Monday, 22 September 2014

Overseas windows and doors

This article outlines the issues of buying building materials from overseas.  Please find time to read it.

I can't stress strongly enough why it is important to buy Australian.  If you can't afford it this year, then save up and buy Australian next year.  You not only support the Australian economy but you know that the products that you buy are compliant and meet the Australian Standard.

Imagine a child going through a glass unit that isn't toughened correctly.  It could be life threatening.

We recently pulled out 3 year old Chinese windows and doors from a new home in Franklin because the client wanted to save money.  It cost him double on what it would have cost during the build.  Please think about where you buy from.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

How can we make double glazing compulsory in Canberra?

I have been driving energy efficient windows in Canberra for about 8 years now and I am seeing an increase in home owners who can see the value of their insulation (including windows and doors).  Some thoughts of mine:

1.  Insulated windows and doors have to form part of the building for new homes, it is crazy to do the walls and ceilings and not the windows and doors which can form 30% of the wall space.  I think this will be more of a Building Code issue than a local issue, however, if there is a way where we can make it an essential element of the 6 stars then it may work?  Builders and home owners are focussed on the 6 star compliance requirements but this does not relate necessarily to 6 star comfort.  It is easy to get 6 stars with single glazed aluminium windows and doors with the right orientation and wall and ceiling insulation.

As a Board Director of the Australian Window Association I am across emerging initiatives that hopefully will help our cause. The new rating system will recognise WERS ratings rather than generic ratings.  There is work afoot to recognise energy saving enhancements when homes are being valued and this would include solar panels, double glazing, solar hot water etc.  This would make the 6 star more realistic.

2.  We don't want to drive change that becomes like the insulation and solar panel debacles.  Suddenly everyone will be an expert in double glazing and we will have substandard installations and product happening in homes.  A rebate or some form of RECS similar to solar panels may encourage home owners to upgrade their homes if they get a rebate on their energy bills.

3.  I can show in real terms the savings that new homes can make in their first year with double glazing and do it on a case by case basis.  Over 25 years it can be close to $25,000.

4.  I would like to see all new block owners issued with a "small" guide to energy efficient design and products.  There is not enough information in place to inform new block owners. Perhaps this could be given to new new block owner when settlements take place at the Land Titles Office? 

My vision is for all homes in Canberra to be double glazed - imagine how much energy we would save as a city an how temperate and comfortable our homes would be.  As a minimum I would like to see our young in child care centres warm and our elderly in retirement homes warm with low energy bills.

Come and see us at our super showroom at 17 Townsville Street Fyshwick or call us on 6260 1621


Monday, 8 September 2014

Sustainable House Day 2014

Yesterday I had the privilege to be invited to 666 ABC Radio Canberra to talk to Lish about how glazing contributes to a sustainable house.  After 8 years of peddling double glazing to the Canberra market, I now believe that I have traction and more and more people are understanding why energy efficient windows and doors are importation the insulation package of their home.

After I finished at 666, I headed out to Googong as a guest speaker in the Shaw Living "Tinderry" House and gave two half hour talks on energy efficient windows.  We had an audience of people who are looking to build new homes and those that want to improve their existing home.  If I could put on a "light bulb" moment for several families then I did my job well yesterday.

I would like to see the Building Code changed to make insulated windows mandatory - not only for my business but for the future of Canberra.  I can't understand why we are so heavy on the insulation of walls and ceilings but completely forget the wall spaces that contain windows and doors where we put in a single piece of glass.  No Brainer really!



Thursday, 21 August 2014

Canberra Business Woman of the Year 2014

Last night we attended the Canberra Women in Business Awards at Hotel Realm.  It was a great night with about 500 people attending to enjoy a three course silver service dinner.

The awards recognised the achievements of Canberra women who are having success in their business.  Several MLAs attended to show their support. 

Karen Porter from Solace Creations Double Glazing was awarded a highly commended award for the Canberra Business Woman of the Year category.  This is recognition of hard work and dedication to bring double glazing into every home in Canberra.

For any other woman in business, it is worth your while to join the Canberra Women in Business and see what support services and networking that you can get.

Tonight I am a guest speaker at the National Women in Construction mentoring dinner at the MBA.


Friday, 15 August 2014

Solace Creations' journey to winning the ACT Telstra Micro Business Award

On July 4 2014, Solace Creations Double Glazing won the ACT Telstra Micro Business Award for 2014.  

In late 2013, Solace Creations was one of 600 micro businesses (less than 6 staff) in the ACT that was nominated for the Award.  We went through a very stringent process by an external body that involved an 86 page application, scrutiny of three years of our financials, references from staff, a supplier and a client along with our business plan, risk management plan, marketing plan and business continuity plan.  

From the application, we were one of the businesses shortlisted and this then required a 40 minute interview with two judges.  The following day, we were called and told that we were one of the five finalists.  At that point we were winners already.

On 4 July, we attended the gala dinner at QT in the city and found ourselves sitting amongst the top businesses in the ACT.  What an amazing group of dedicated business owners.

When they announced the winner of the Micro Business Award, we were blown away and ecstatic that we were being recognised for our hard work.

I am not sure if you know how hard small to medium business owners work. I heard a funny saying the other day that as a business owner, at least you get to choose which 17 hours you would like to work.

The first five years in a business is the toughest.  It is like having a baby, they are high maintenance and need you 24/7 to look after their every need.  When they are five they start school and suddenly you have some free time again.  This is like a business.  However, there are waves and as you get to a point of growth then the business is higher maintenance again.  You manage the growth and put more staff, better technology or systems in place and then the business becomes less needy.

I would like to recognise small to medium (and micro) business owners.  These people are the key to pulling our country out of financial pain.  These people pay taxes that fund schools, hospitals, roads etc.  These people give up so much so that they can earn their own livelihood and feed their families.  These people employ other people who also have families to feed and taxes to pay.  The flow on effect from one business owner is incredible and is far reaching.

I look forward to sharing the next part of my journey and the effect that the Telstra Award has had on me and my business.

Solace Creations Website 


Saturday, 26 July 2014

Double Glazing that is available

Double glazing is becoming more popular in Canberra, however, there are various levels of double glazing and all should be assessed before you go ahead and order some.

If the airgap between your glass units is less than 12 mm or more than 20mm, you are not getting the best double glazing.  Many companies sell a 6 to 8 mm airgap and frankly, this is a waste of your money.  You will be very disappointed with the outcome and it will not feel like you have improved your windows or doors.

For existing aluminium, some companies are putting another aluminium window in front of your old window which creates a double glazing effect.  The downsides are that you lose a lot of your windows sill, there is dust collecting in the middle and you now have two windows to open for airflow instead of one.

There are some companies that remove the single piece of glass and use a system where they can fit a double glazed unit in its place with a fin.  If you get a decent airgap and your existing windows are in good condition then is is a good outcome.

The best way is to remove the existing window or door and to put a new sealed unit in.  Solace Creations has three levels of double glazed windows and doors on offer:

Premium double glazed aluminium - non insulated aluminium frame with a premium double glazed unit that has at least a 12mm argon filled space between the two glass pieces.

uPVC double glazed windows and doors - insulated frame with a premium double glazed unit that has at least a 12mm argon filled space between the two glass pieces.

Thermally broken aluminium -  insulated frame with a premium double glazed unit that has at least a 12mm argon filled space between the two glass pieces.

When we install the window or door, we insulate between the timber reveal and the stud work for an excellent seal and silicone all around the windows.

It is great that you want to double glaze but save up and do it properly for a good outcome.  For now, curtains and blinds shut as it gets cool at 4pm with see you through until you can afford the good ones.

For more information, call Solace Creations Double Glazing on 6260 1621 or come and see our showroom at 17 Townsville Street Fyshwick.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Australian Made Double Glazed uPVC windows and Doors

There are so many valid reasons why you would buy your uPVC windows and doors through an Australian manufacturer.

One of the main reasons is that Australia has a very harsh climate and we need to ensure that the frames, seals and glass won't deteriorate over time.  Australia has very strict testing regimes and all manufacturers that are members of the Australian Window Association will have annual audits on their product.

If you were to buy uPVC windows, doors or profile directly from Europe then they will more than likely not be made from tropical blend.  For us to sell uPVC windows and doors in Australia, we need to ensure that our profiles have a tropical blend or UV stabilizer.  All of the profiles that Solace Creations sells exceed the Australian Standard.

Another reason is that we have strict requirements in Australia for where we use toughened glass and how it it toughened.  Toughened glass is heat soaked and tested to ensure that it will stand up to the Standard.  Many countries overseas don't have the same requirements or standards and will temper the glass rather than toughen it.  This would be detrimental if a child was to fall through the glass as it will shard and injure the child.

Australia has a very strict Standard in place and other countries know this.  As a Board Director of the Australian Window Association, I have recently seen a counterfeit certificate from China that states they have had their windows and doors tested by the Australian Window Association.  This is scary as there are Australian companies buying from China that think the product meets the Standard.  It is only going to take one injury for the person buying the frame or the company selling the frame to realise the risk that they are presenting to the Australia public.

There is no compliance at the border on windows and doors so you cannot guarantee that this will be picked up on entry to Australia.  The only compliance is when the Certifier asks for a glazing certificate stating the glass is compliant with AS1288.  Anyone can write these Certificates, Certifiers rarely question a Certificate.

Buy smart, support Australia and know that you are installing products that have indeed been tested.  Solace Creations at 17 Townsville Street Fyshwick can give you more information about this subject and can be contacted on 02 6260 1621

Friday, 7 February 2014

Solace Creations is excited to announce that we will be providing windows and doors for a local childcare centre in March 2014. The bonus is that the building will be lovely and modern and there will be warm children in winter and cool children in summer. How awesome is that?

We would dearly love to do the same for the elderly. Why are we single glazing aged care units still???? The most vulnerable in our community should be looked after and the small extra expense to double glaze would achieve this. There is so much effort put into insulating the walls, ceiling and floors but no effort goes into insulating the windows or doors.

We would love nothing more than seeing more double glazing in both early childhood centres and aged care developments.

We offer a free consulation for new buildings to maximise the effects of insulated windows.  Have a look at