Monday, 22 September 2014

Overseas windows and doors

This article outlines the issues of buying building materials from overseas.  Please find time to read it.

I can't stress strongly enough why it is important to buy Australian.  If you can't afford it this year, then save up and buy Australian next year.  You not only support the Australian economy but you know that the products that you buy are compliant and meet the Australian Standard.

Imagine a child going through a glass unit that isn't toughened correctly.  It could be life threatening.

We recently pulled out 3 year old Chinese windows and doors from a new home in Franklin because the client wanted to save money.  It cost him double on what it would have cost during the build.  Please think about where you buy from.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

How can we make double glazing compulsory in Canberra?

I have been driving energy efficient windows in Canberra for about 8 years now and I am seeing an increase in home owners who can see the value of their insulation (including windows and doors).  Some thoughts of mine:

1.  Insulated windows and doors have to form part of the building for new homes, it is crazy to do the walls and ceilings and not the windows and doors which can form 30% of the wall space.  I think this will be more of a Building Code issue than a local issue, however, if there is a way where we can make it an essential element of the 6 stars then it may work?  Builders and home owners are focussed on the 6 star compliance requirements but this does not relate necessarily to 6 star comfort.  It is easy to get 6 stars with single glazed aluminium windows and doors with the right orientation and wall and ceiling insulation.

As a Board Director of the Australian Window Association I am across emerging initiatives that hopefully will help our cause. The new rating system will recognise WERS ratings rather than generic ratings.  There is work afoot to recognise energy saving enhancements when homes are being valued and this would include solar panels, double glazing, solar hot water etc.  This would make the 6 star more realistic.

2.  We don't want to drive change that becomes like the insulation and solar panel debacles.  Suddenly everyone will be an expert in double glazing and we will have substandard installations and product happening in homes.  A rebate or some form of RECS similar to solar panels may encourage home owners to upgrade their homes if they get a rebate on their energy bills.

3.  I can show in real terms the savings that new homes can make in their first year with double glazing and do it on a case by case basis.  Over 25 years it can be close to $25,000.

4.  I would like to see all new block owners issued with a "small" guide to energy efficient design and products.  There is not enough information in place to inform new block owners. Perhaps this could be given to new new block owner when settlements take place at the Land Titles Office? 

My vision is for all homes in Canberra to be double glazed - imagine how much energy we would save as a city an how temperate and comfortable our homes would be.  As a minimum I would like to see our young in child care centres warm and our elderly in retirement homes warm with low energy bills.

Come and see us at our super showroom at 17 Townsville Street Fyshwick or call us on 6260 1621


Monday, 8 September 2014

Sustainable House Day 2014

Yesterday I had the privilege to be invited to 666 ABC Radio Canberra to talk to Lish about how glazing contributes to a sustainable house.  After 8 years of peddling double glazing to the Canberra market, I now believe that I have traction and more and more people are understanding why energy efficient windows and doors are importation the insulation package of their home.

After I finished at 666, I headed out to Googong as a guest speaker in the Shaw Living "Tinderry" House and gave two half hour talks on energy efficient windows.  We had an audience of people who are looking to build new homes and those that want to improve their existing home.  If I could put on a "light bulb" moment for several families then I did my job well yesterday.

I would like to see the Building Code changed to make insulated windows mandatory - not only for my business but for the future of Canberra.  I can't understand why we are so heavy on the insulation of walls and ceilings but completely forget the wall spaces that contain windows and doors where we put in a single piece of glass.  No Brainer really!
